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Description: fpgrowth算法的java程序 运行程序的命令 java -cp fpgrowth.jar association.fptree.Test 100 sample.txt 其中100 是支持度阈值 sample.txt是样本文件名。 注意:如果样本中的项目过多,可能会产生内存溢出错误 运行程序需要JDK 5.0 欢迎交流:xiangyuan.lippi@yahoo.com.cn-fpgrowth algorithm java procedures procedure for the java-cp fpgro wth.jar association.fptree.Test 100 sample. txt which supports 100 threshold is sample.txt sample file. Note : If the samples of a large number of projects, Memory may have overflow errors operational procedures need JDK 5.0 welcomed the exchange : xiangyuan.lippi @ yahoo.com.cn
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[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsfpgrowth

Description: FP算法源代码,大家一起学习数据挖掘,互相讨论!-FP algorithm source code, together with everyone to learn data mining, and discuss!
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 刘梅 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmscelp

Description: CELP (CELl Processing) is a functional programming package for Matlab. It is often better to use FP instead of loops: - it s more compact - it s more clear.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 栗子 | Hits:

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